Our A Brush with Kindness Program is a home preservation service offered to low-income homeowners who need assistance maintaining their home.

These improvements are led with the support of our volunteers at no cost to the homeowner, and cover small scale projects such as painting, landscaping, minor repairs, maintenance, grab bar installation, and more. Read below for more information about eligibility and how to apply. 

Are you looking for assistance with a larger scale health and safety project? Please visit our Home Repair page. The Home Repair program addresses health, safety, and security issues including accessibility improvements and repairs that support aging in place. The majority of projects are completed by licensed contractors to ensure the highest quality repairs.

Select the link below that you want to read more about and learn about our programs!
Own and occupy a home in Southern Santa Barbara County
Meet the Income Guidelines
Possess, or be willing to acquire, Homeowners Insurance.
Be willing to partner with Habitat Santa Barbara

How do I apply?

Applications for A Brush With Kindness are available on our website located by clicking on the link: A Brush With Kindness Application.

You may contact the Habitat for Humanity office at (805) 692-2226 and one can be mailed to you if needed. All completed applications will be reviewed to ensure that the program’s qualifications are met.

Get Involved

Looking to volunteer? Head over to our Volunteer Page for more information!

Aplicacion de Reparacion de Viviendas en Espanol

Cada familia debe cumplir con todos los requisitos de selección de propietario de vivienda de Hábitat

Tener una necesidad demostrada de reparaciones críticas de salud y seguridad
El ingreso bruto del hogar debe ser igual o inferior al 80 % del ingreso medio del área
Estar dispuesto a asociarse con Hábitat para la Humanidad, los voluntarios y la comunidad.

How do I apply?

Applications for Critical Home Repairs are available on our website by clicking on the link: Home Repair Application. You may contact the Habitat for Humanity office at (805) 692-2226 and one can be mailed to you if needed. All completed applications will be reviewed to ensure that the program’s qualifications are met.

Looking to apply for a small-scale project that can be completed by volunteers? Head to our A Brush With Kindness page for a simple application.

Get Involved

Are you a licensed contractor interested in working with Habitat Santa Barbara on projects that benefit your community? We pay contractors at market rate and are always looking for more partners.

Looking to volunteer? Head over to our Volunteer Page for more information!